List of Trainning Centre of Non-Gazetted Staff(Revised)-RBE No. 17-2018

Railway board has issued RBE No. 17-2018 vide letter No.E(MPP)/2016/3/13 dated 02.02.2018 for List of Training Centres of Non-gazetted staff for Indian Railways(Revised).

Details of Railway Board Esstt. Circular (RBE No.17-2018)

Sub: List of Training Centres of Non-gazetted staff for Indian Railways(Revised).

List of training centres for non-gazetted staff on Indian Railways was circulated vide this office letter No. E(MPP)/2013/3/18 dated 17.11.2017 (RBE No.168/2017). The matter for giving a uniform nomenclature to these training centres has been under consideration of the Board. The name of the training centres should normally reflect the department and also the Railway/Division.

Directorates of different department in the Railway Board, as well as Zonal Railways, have been consulted on the matter. Accordingly the revised list is enclosed, containing –

(i) Annexure-I: List of 87 Training Centres where there is no change in nomenclature. They are having unique functions such as ZRTis, Supervisory Training Centres, Technical Training Centres, S&T Training Centres etc. These training centres retain their original name.

ii) Annexure-II: Railway-wise list of Training Centres with revised uniform nomenclature.

iii) AnnexureIII: Department-wise list of Training Centres with revised uniform nomenclature.

iv) Annexure-IV: A single page proforma on details of Training Centres.

The name of ‘Basic Training Centre/ NFR/Kurseong/Darjeeling Himalaya Railway’ have been deleted from the list of Training Centre as per the information sent by Northeast Frontier Railway that this Training Centre no more exists.

Attention is drawn to the D.0. letter No.E(MPP)/2016/3/20 dated 25.11.2016 from Member Staff regarding ‘Qualitative improvement in Training’. Efforts should be made to have more Multi-Disciplinary Training Centres.

Principal Chief Personnel Officers may keep data handy about Training Centres on their Railway/PU and update it monthly. A single page proforma is enclosed as Annexure-IV. The Annual Performance Report on all Training Centres should also be sent expeditiously [letter No. E(MPP)2010/3/5 dated 12.5.2010 (RBE No. 72/2010).

Copy of Railway Board Esstt. Orders RBE No. 17-2018 is attached here:

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